Blaina Evangelical Church

Hi. Welcome to our website and thank you for visiting it.

This Sunday someone is being baptised in our church. Like christening, baptism in and of itself does not make us a Christian and deal with the issue that separates us from God. True baptism is an outward sign that the Lord Jesus had inwardly made us clean by the forgiveness of our sin, and that He had reconciled us to God. At the baptism, the person being baptised will give their testimony of how the Lord Jesus has brought them into a loving and everlasting relationship with God by removing the barrier that separated them from Him. As a result of this, they have gained a home in heaven with God forever, and will inherit treasure in there as well.
So as you read this and perhaps even come and watch it happening for yourself, ask yourself the question: who or what are you relying on to get to heaven if not the forgiveness of your sin by Jesus? And would you be able to be baptised as a sign of the inner cleansing that has already taken place?
The baptismal service is taking place on Sunday 14th April and starts at 11.00 a.m. Everyone of all ages is welcome to attend, and there will be a buffet meal afterwards. It would be fantastic if you could join us for this wonderful and joyful event.

With  love from the fellowship of Blaina Evangelical Church